At 37 weeks doctor suggested Caliyah may have a rare genetic syndrome, named pfeiffer syndrome which causes complications with the skull, airways for breathing and bevy of other complications.

After birth Caliyah had to breathe and eat through tube due to complications. She looks forward to 3+surgeries to correct skull, facial reconstruction to fix her small jaw, nasal airways and forehead in a matter of next three years.
Few surgeries focused on creating space in the top of her skull by putting small rods in her head to slowly expand her head.
After 5months and 9 surgeries Caliyah made it home.

19 months Caliyah is now living a good life, gone on adventures, getting stronger in her walking and more independent!

You’re truly one in a Million! As your smile pulls you through.

A great pleasure to have you take on our bravery spot this week