Donations towards this project is closed
Last month, Praise had her Bone marrow transplant.
Due to the lack of donors, there wasn’t a ‘perfect’ match and with results for 36 tested donors not yet ready, the transplant went ahead with the best possible match.
Praise is currently recovering in hospital as it’s a crucial time to see if the transplant has been successful.
This feat would never have been achieved without your prayer, support and donations.

UPDATE ON PRAISE – 9th Nov 2020.
We must apologize for the delay in updating you having received several of your calls.
Praise is still in the hospital following transplant. She was discharged from the transplant ward on the 26th of Oct 2020′ to normal ward. She developed Saprovirus causing diarrhea, temperature, and vomiting which she has now recovered from. God continues to answer all of your prayers as she is coming out strong.
We thank you all for remaining committed to our prayer network as it continues to gain momentum for Praise.
Thank you Sand from Australia, James from America, Premier radio, Match for Praise campaign group, One million prayer club, and all of the rest of you who have continued to bring out your time to fight for Praise.
Here are the updated prayer points:
1.Issues of potassium irregularities in praise should resolve.
2.Full recovery of any struggling organ and progressive recovery of her overall body.
Medically, it’s been said that home is now the right place for progressive recovering and are looking to start having Praise make regular home visits with full discharge to follow in January 2021.
May God bless you all !!
Thank you
Parents of Praise
update on Praise 4/1/21
Thank you, for all of your prayers and support to baby Praise!
Praise is still on admission in hospital, but now making regular visits home!
Making great progress in overall health, speech, learning, physical and emotional well-being
we are continuing our prayers around Organs as God continues to take us progressively through the path of great success with Praise
A big thank you to all of you!
she enjoyed her Christmas and new year with family at home!
Praise during the festive season
Praise is almost 4 years old, and was diagnosed after birth with an auto immune condition known as Chronic Granulomatous Disorder (CGD).
Bone Marrow Transplant remains the only cure. There aren’t enough people, black people particularly from her racial background on the donor registry, making it extremely difficult to find a match. Therefore, we have launched this campaign for Praise, to get a match for her, as several people need to be tested within a short space of time.
Baby Praise lost her elder sister to the same ailment on the 21st of April 2020, the reason why NIGERIAN BONE MARROW DONOR REGISTRY alongside SAFE HAVEN A RAY OF HOPE and GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT AND CHARITY SUPPORT FOUNDATION have jointly launched this campaign to save Baby Praise.
It is really urgent with time ticking to save Baby Praise’s life and to achieve this, we will need your kind financial donation to help several people get tested in a short time frame, achieve HLA TYPING TEST of donors. Every donation will make a difference in Praise’s life.
To Become a Donor for Praise
To become a donor for a child needing life saving transplant,
In Nigeria.
Contact: The Bone Marrow Registry, Department of Haematology and Immunology, faculty of medical services, college of medicine, University of Nigeria. Ituku-Ozalla Campus P.M.B 01129
Contact: Prof Sunday Ocheni +2347039222313
Contact DKMS to speed up Processes for you
Email :
Call: 02087475620
For Other Countries :
Contact your local Donor registry, expressing your interest.
For further information and support please call 0191 406 2525 or send email to| this will enable us to provide you with needed information and requirements as well as guide you through the process.-
Please note: Volunteering to become a donor means your details will automatically be updated anonymously to a national registry and if found to not be a match for Praise you may be considered for other children in desperate need for a Bone marrow transplant donor.